HAA Calibration

This program is design to take a listen “to your room and your cinema system. Have you ever bought a cinema system or a pair of speakers and doesn’t sound anything what you heard in the showroom. This could mean that system is out tune with room or the room is out of tune with you system.

This program compliments our THX Certification for selling, installing and calibrating THX Certified Products. Audio Addicts can make your system perform better and make your system sound so that what you’re listing to sounds like what the director or sound engineer intended you to hear.

We do this extensive training from H.A.A. ( Home Acoustics Alliance ) and state of art test equipment from SpectraCal (Electronic Test Instruments). Call us today for analyzes and calibration and once we are done hear what you’ve been missing.


Also call us for follow calibration. You will get more enjoyment out of your home cinema system.